Monday, March 21, 2011

How Much Do Dj Cost For Quinceaneras

22, 23 and March 24 GIPUTXI

For strange but normal circumstances, the system will not let me upload the signs of the talks that I give. So I decided to animate this promotional information with the image you see. Burra I am, I do not remember the name of illustrator, I know it is French and portraying the vengeful vampires as anyone ...

on Tuesday I'll be 22 in Hernani, in Arrasate on Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 in Azpeitia ...

again over the (trans) feminist

Thanks Helenaconh be discovered the fabulous Mariel Clayton ... all was said about the Barbie!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Dangerous Is Silver Dip For Silver


If that just is the life of a writer bitch. As soon as you are in the squat more krosty as in the splendid fnac. Friday March 18 will participate with Iñaki Echarte Vidarte (I met him one morning in Pamplona and I love the size of pelota confused) and Raúl Portero at a literary gathering in the FNAC Callao (Preciados 28, Madrid) in the cycle calling land II. The journey never ends . Will be at 19.30. I am delighted ... And
akí you have an interview I did with Rachel Campbell for Culturama.
And I start to write my magnum opus, that but I mess ...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Japanese Groping Business

Someone might

between the desire for more intense and extreme boredom is not immaterial realities so different from this.
scare. despair. terrify. surprising. interpret.

-where do you get so many false stories?? whence but from the fear of the reaction of anger or perhaps affection
liquefied in the brain, perhaps with the rest of your memories ...

served in empty vessels for which no thirsty ...

I told you that no one notices. These are things you can only see the reflection of the water, you say. but yes. you always, just saying. firefly fried dessert ...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Telescope From Bourne Identity

10 and 11 ...

Ké's warranty to be with my girls parole makes no see ... waaaaay both tell us.
(Click on the cartel to better see the program.)